Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Is This The Year?

Could this be the year we would get the opportunity to see The Lakers and The Cavaliers in the Finals? Seemingly of late, The Magic are looking like the same type of Magic last year, if not stronger. Vince is looking like his old self. The Magic might be another stagger for the Cavs to get to The Finals, again. Matching the teams up, this would be an interesting feature. Mo/D-West/Boobie/Anthony Parker against Jameer and the Magic back court. The series would be broken down to the front court. Lebron vs. Barnes. Rashard vs. Jamison. Superman vs. Superman.Is this the preview of the battle we'll see? To those that think this video shows nothing at all, you are wrong! It'll be a battle for position all day long between the two. This will be fun to watch.
Let's not forget about The Celtics. Yes, they are the Patriots of the NBA, most of their players are old. But there is no doubt in my mind they are not going to go down easy.
How about the Charlotte Bobcats? This team beat The Lakers and The Cavaliers, but lack the post-season experience to get far.
Moving on to the Heat. D-Wade's team. Besides Dwayne, I don't think any other player would excel and assist Wade to get far in the playoffs.
Besides The Orlando Magic, The Hawks would be the team to look out for. A young run-and-gun team that can play defense. There's no way this team would get knocked out early.
Onto the West. The Lakers will make it to the Conference Finals. So will the Denver Nuggets. I love that fact. Both teams are top contenders. Even though the Mavs line up is stacked, and alongside the Suns and Spurs, are great contenders, they won't make it to the conference finals.
Now either way, both teams, along with the Cavs, will make for a great NBA Finals. Of course, the ultimate team match-up would be Lakers/Cavs; but I think the ultimate player match-up would be Lebron/Melo.
But in the end, it should end up being a Lebron vs. Kobe Finals. This is what the fans want. This is what both players need. Let's not forget, this is what Shaq needs. The only thing is to wait for about two more months. This would bring the NBA back.

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